reinventa la fiecare single nou lansat. Pentru cel mai recent videoclip
al sau "Super Soaker", o productie muzicala internationala realizata de
o echipa de compozitori americani si caraibieni, Andreea joaca rolul
unei regine africane, care reuseste sa isi domine supusii, prin energia
exploziva si carisma pe care le emana.
Piesa "Super Soaker" este o colaborare cu un celebru artist
caraibian, Skinny Fabulous, cantaret de soca premiat in intreaga zona a
Americii Centrale si Caraibe, pentru muzica sa exceptionala. Sound-ul
noului single al Andreei, a fost realizat in Statele Unite de catre
producatorii piesei, Monsta Riot, compozitori celebri care au colaborat
de-a lungul timpului, la piese de succes pentru artisti din SUA si din
Caraibe precum Jordin Sparks, Leona Lewis, Colbie Caillat sau Kevin
Videoclipul piesei "Super Soaker" realizat de regizorul Anthony
Icuagu, o transpune pe Andreea in diverse cadre specific africane,
realizarea acestora fiind o adevarata provocare pentru echipa de
productie care a lucrat intens cateva zile la crearea lor. Pentru
videoclipul piesei "Super Soaker", Andreea a schimbat nu mai putin de
sase tinute sexy, aceastea fiind achizitionate special de la New York
cateva machiaje si coafuri inedite, care ii pun in evidenta frumusetea
naturala, transpusa in decorul african. In plus, asa cum ne-a obisnuit,
pe tot parcursul videoclipului sunt prezente pasaje dinamice de dans,
miscarile si ritmul african fiind evidentiate cu succes de Andreea si
echipa sa de dans.
Odata cu lansarea noul single "Super Soaker", Andreea Balan lanseaza si
un nou concept de show, salbatic si super sexy: AFRICAN SHOW. Asa cum
ne-a obisnuit, Andreea a gandit "African Show" ca un adevarat spectacol
de revista, ritmurile africane, costumele indraznete cu elemente
tribale foarte provocatoare, coafurile si machiajele spectaculoase,
fiind doar cateva din elementele noului show.
Versuri Andreea Balan - Super Soaker (lyrics)
Party til it's overNone of us is sober
Pump that super soaker
Pump that super soaker
Soaker, soaker
Pump that super soaker
Soaker, soaker
Party til it's over
None of us is sober
Pump that super soaker
Pump that super soaker
Soaker, soaker
Pump that super soaker
Soaker, soaker
Pump that super soaker
I'm way too sexy for you tonight
I want you baby so hold me tight
You made me feel like the world is mine
And when you touch me, you blow my mind
And everything's OK when I hear you say
That you love me baby every night and every day
And everything's so fine when you say you're mine
I wish I had a super power just to stop the time
In your eyes, I can feel
The beat of your heart
Loud and clear
I look in your eyes
And I see the face of the world
Party til it's over
None of us is sober
Pump that super soaker
Pump that super soaker
Soaker, soaker
Pump that super soaker
Soaker, soaker
Pump that super soaker
Pump it, pump it, pump it,
Pump that soakerPump it, pump it, pump it,
Pump that soaker
Pump it, pump it, pump it,
Pump that soaker
Pump it, pump it, pump it,
And everything's OK when I hear you say
That you love me baby every night and every day
And everything's so fine when you say you're mine
I wish I had a super power just to stop the time
In your eyes, I can feel
The beat of your heart
Loud and clear
I look in your eyes
And I see the face of the world
Party til it's over
None of us is sober
Pump that super soaker
Pump that super soaker
Soaker, soaker
Pump that super soaker
Soaker, soaker
Pump that super soaker
Pump it, pump it, pump it,
Pump that soaker
Pump it, pump it, pump it,
Pump that soaker
Pump it, pump it, pump it,
Pump that soaker
Pump it, pump it, pump it,
Party til it's over
None of us is sober
Pump that super soaker
Pump that super soaker
Soaker, soaker
Pump that super soaker
Soaker, soaker
Pump that super soaker
sursa: youtube
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